Sunday, May 29, 2011


Amy here:

Big news.....
We have a Millie. Her name is Millicent L-W. We call her Millie. She is a beautiful, tiny, curious puppy. We love her. In case you are wondering, she is a Bichon Havanese Mix. All that means is that she is super-super-super cute.

We have fallen in love. Both of us.

So, two quick stories:

*After getting her, my mother and I went to the feed store to purchase her gear. Puppies have gear. She was exploring the world around her when she came across a group of chickens in a pin. She edged closer and sniffed. The chickens made a loud bawking sound in her general direction. She jumped barked twice and ran behind me. It was so cute.

* Yesterday at nap time, Joshua took her into our room to put her to bed. After he had been gone awhile, I went in to check. As I peeked into the room, I found Millie asleep in her crate and Joshua asleep on the floor next to her.

We are glad to have her.
She will be loved!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

New adventures await...

Walking Life's Road by ItaXdei4eva at DeviantArt

From Josh:

Hello everyone!

For those of you that have walked down life's road with us over the years, we are so incredibly grateful for your love and support. This is just a little update to those of you who are interested in, invested in, or praying for, us and our endeavors....

We have been living, as those who have been in contact with us in the past year know, in Huntsville, Texas--home of Sam Houston (and his colossal human likeness that scares greets interstate drivers coming through town up from the city of Houston), tall pine trees, and, most importantly, Anita... Amy's grandmother.

It has been a treasured time for us as we have lived here with her, during a period of time that was hard on her physically--her spirit has remained doggedly-determined, and her infectious love for God, for others, and for her family has been a continual source of lifting our (my and Amy's) spirits. We have been honored to serve her where we could, and inspired by her life and witness.

We knew going into this year that it would be a one-year commitment to serving Anita, while taking the time to reflect and prepare for the future, and that we would eventually have to open ourselves up again to God's call....

Josh's past year:

I've remained in ministry while in Texas as I serve a Presbyterian church as an interim lay pastor in Conroe, TX, as well as through pulpit supply in Caldwell, TX, and with a handful of teaching engagements at youth retreats. But I have also spent significant time during the first 6-8 months here considering whether or not this unexpected time in Texas would give me the opportunity to pursue a Ph.D., something I have thought about ever since my first year in seminary. So I begin that process, which went from June/July to mid-January. That in turn was followed by a period.....




(It was really only about a two-month wait to hear back from most of the schools to which I applied. But it felt OH much longer. But that's b/c I'm a big whiny-pants.)

The next step

After receiving my responses back from schools, Amy and I spent about 6-8 weeks praying and talking to friends, family, and experts. What was our next step?

Anyone who has gone through a similar discernment process knows--- "clarity" is a bit of a misnomer when it comes to discernment. Seeking "clarity" in a direction can't be a goal in itself, and "clarity" doesn't often look like what we expect or hope it to look like (utter lack of doubt, fear or confusion; full assurance by God and others, etc.)

Faith wouldn't be faith, if our hopes and expectations were always met, of course.

In the end, Amy and I decided that I would accept an offer to study at Boston College's School of Theology and Ministry, and begin their Ph.D. program in Theology and Education.

Boston College Forms Online

Why Boston College, then?
* An interdisciplinary program specifically in Theology and Education is not very common--and the philosophy behind the formation of the program is actually remarkably congruent with my hopes for doctoral study (which I describe in brief on my personal, theology-focused blog).

* Boston College's STM teaches specifically from the Jesuit tradition-- which I believe will give me a breadth and depth to my theological understanding, as well as expose me to examples of greater integration of spirituality, theology and mission, for which the Jesuits are famous. The Catholic world, in addition, I think possesses a number of gifts from which the Protestant world can learn, and I hope to take those gifts with me into my future Protestant contexts. The school also happens to be very ecumenically-open while also being Jesuit...

*...that, combined with the fact that I will be part of the Boston College Department of Theology and will have full access to its resources, as well as to the other resources at BC, creates a uniquely spiritual-yet-academic; open-yet-from a particular perspective, learning environment.

* Not only THAT... but as part of the Boston Theological Institute, I will be permitted up to take half of my coursework at 9 other religious institutions in Boston!

Boston College STM looks like this.
When it's not covered in snow.
Either way, it's pretty to me.

As for ministry....
We obviously hope to continue in ministry even as I am taking time to study and develop, and to be a "minister" of sorts to other students at BC as a Ph.D. candidate. We both need to continue serving and supporting a community in order for us to connect our studies to real life, and to continue fulfilling our callings and developing our gifts. Part of being called to Boston College is, for us, believing that we're called to minister in the Boston area as well.

Oh yeah, and we have to eat, too. :)
I'm happy to say that things are progressing--- Amy and I are interviewing at a church outside of Boston in a few weeks! We're very excited and hopeful, and continue to pray and look for ministry opportunities in the area--- we may not know exactly where we will be called to serve yet, but we believe that there is a place for us. This will also give Amy a community and a forum where she can formally begin her ordination process. She will, of course, also be continuing her Distance Learning M.Div. studies at Western Seminary in Michigan.

THANK YOU for checking in, and for keeping us in your prayers as we transition. This blog will again be a place where you can check back in to learn about our goings-on. Feel free also to drop notes in the comments section, and you can leave there prayer requests, collaboration requests, random statements, dueling challenges, haikus, your very own 95 theses, or anything else you can imagine.