Thursday, July 10, 2014

Today I took a walk

It was glorious to be outside.

The sidewalk was a familiar friend. We have traveled together on many occasions but today was different. We took some time to get reacquainted. Instead of hurrying, as I have done in the past, we we walked slowly together. She whispered secrets from the months of our separation. She told me of the house that has been bought and will be torn down and rebuilt. She told me of the changing of seasons as we passed the green grass, the flowers, and the children's bicycles abandoned on driveways next to sidewalk art. She promised to show my little boy all of the wonders of our neighborhood soon. But, for now, we simply walked together...content in our shared journey back to my front porch.

Friday, July 4, 2014

happy birthday Americal

The bed rest chronicles continue.

As part of our celebration of America, earlier today I took a nap. I did not intend to take a nap but I was overcome with sleepiness while reading.

When I woke up several hours later, I was very hungry for a hamburger (minus the ham), french fries and a chocolate shake. I tried to think about the cabbage salad in the fridge but it did not work. I knew what I wanted.

The great thing about being 823.5 weeks pregnant and spending 1/3rd of that time in bed is that your husband is willing to give you anything you want. So, I mention that I am craving the most unhealthy meal in the world and he says no problem. Where do you want to go? (He's a peach!)

We went to the Shake Shack. They can accomodate my being vegetarian and Josh's being gluten free AND, most importantly, they have chocolate shakes. We've never eaten there but I felt confident in the choice for the chocolate shake since its pretty much in their name.

I intended to take pictures of my delicious food to share but by the time we got there, ordered and they brought our food to us, my stomach was pretty much eating itself from the inside out. I was 2/3 of the way through the meal when I thought to take a picture. I thought about it for 1.2987325 seconds before I took another bite of food and moved on. I will just have to trust that you have seen burgers, fries, and chocolate shakes before in your life. If not, please crawl out from under the rock where you have been living and go experience real life.

Happy Birthday America!


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

a thought or two at the end of a pregnancy

The bed rest looms and seems to stretch into infinity. It truly is a strange feeling because the bed rest seems endless. The pregnancy seems endless even as I am acutely aware the end is approaching. I can feel my body gearing up for the birth of my sweet boy. My back has begun to ache. My right leg feels as if it has been dislodged from its socket. My pelvis...well lets just say if one considered doing the splits over a crate of dynamite this 4th of July, I advise against it. Strangely...or perhaps not so strangely, there is a twinge of sorrow that accompanies this new, approaching reality. Even considering the months and months and months of endless nausea and vomiting. Even considering the weeks and weeks of bed rest as I laid as still as possible praying this little boy would not be born, praying our little boy would have his best chance at life, there is something of a sadness in the coming change. Up until now, he has been mine...all mine. I have been the one who has cared for him, my body has been the one that has fed him and cradled him and sheltered him. He hears my voice echoing in his ears and my hands rubbing against his sweet little body. For months and months and months, this little boy has been mine and when he is born, I have to share him with the world.

That is not to say that I will not be glad to share him. That is not to say that I will not be glad to hold him close and touch him and watch his daddy hold him close.

It is only to say, things are changing. It is only to say, I love you baby boy and I will see you on the other side.

Monday, June 30, 2014

changes in the meantime

We are in the throws of getting ready for Baby Joey to arrive.
Please note that I use the word "we" loosely...I use it in the marital sense of what's mine is yours and all of that. Truthfully, Josh has been busily getting ready for baby Joey. I've been laying in bed, growing the baby and giving directions.

Some of them are quite reasonable, "Lets hang these pictures in that spot." or "We might find it helpful to have this load of baby paraphenelia washed and ready to go when we come home from the hospital."

"What do you mean you put the laundry detergent on top of the clothes?"

The other day, Josh was re-arranging our room to make room for Joey's play yard/co-sleeper thing. (I know there are MANY opinions regarding baby sleeping. We've made the choice that seems like it will work for us but who knows.) So, our bedroom required that a few items be shifted. Nothing major (easy for me to say since I wasn't doing any of the actual moving). The biggest shift was Millie's bed. It was not a physically difficult shift but Millie is a small creature who doesn't love change. Really, who can blame her? How many of the rest of us are peachy keen when our own apple carts are upset? As Josh was moving things around, she went from sleeping to wide awake and perched deeply in my lap as she could get. Occasionally she would walk to the end of the bed and check things out but would quickly scamper back to Mommy. Then, after it was all said and done, she sniffed and sniffed around the room trying to figure things out.

Thankfully, stinker butt is adjusting well.
Really this is a big month for her. Not only is Joey coming (fingers crossed) but she also needs to be groomed and make her annual visit to the vet.

In the midst of your watermelon and ice cream and summer fun, light a candle or say a prayer because for Millie, I think July will be re-named the Month of Doom.
(Mommy, why do you insist on taking pictures of me when I am trying to sleep?)

(Our beautiful little girl)

Monday, June 23, 2014

Pregnancy Cravings: Moo Bars

Josh does most of our grocery shopping on Sunday afternoons on his way home from church. Our pattern has been:

Amy think about what she wants to eat and makes a list and emails it to Josh.
Josh goes to the story and buys as many items on the list as are available.

Because he knows me, he usually texts me from the store to see if there is "anything else." This is like his nice way of saying, "Last call you crazy pregnant woman."

Before you think, "Wow, Judgey much! Ummm worst husband in the world." You should know that pregnant Amy has had this delightful habit of saying, "Oh honey, Did you happen to think about getting XYZ (insert obscure item that you have never ever bought before)? Of course this happens 3.7 minutes after he walks in the door loaded down with enough food for a small band of hungry teenage boys. (This is completely normal behavior...right?) Hence the texting before he leaves the store.

So this is our text conversation from yesterday:

Josh: Hey honey, is there anything else you want from TJ's?
Amy: Yes! Moo Bars. I need Moo Bars
Josh: Ummmm....Okay, whats a Moo Bar?

If you are from Texas or any surrounding state lucky enough to be visited by the Blue Bell truck, this makes sense to you. If not, you should just pick up and move now because you are missing out. Moo Bars are an AMAZING brain child from Blue Bell. They are summer on a stick. They are the best thing ever. They are worth getting out of bed in the morning. Moo Bars are vanilla ice cream on a stick dipped in a hard chocolate shell. They are glorious. They are like a popsicle...only better. Much better.

When we were growing up, my sister and I would spend a chunk of the summer with our grandparents. They ALWAYS had Moo Bars. ALWAYS. Well, to be fair they had Mini Moos but we were kids and my practical grandmother was thinking of portion control. Every afternoon we would sit on the porch and eat a Moo Bar together. My friends this is happiness. This is summer.

Unfortunately, we live in Boston and Blue Bell does not deliver here. =( (Get it together Blue Bell) Thankfully other people have capitalized on Blue Bell's amazing brilliance and Josh was able to find a reasonable facsimile at TJs.

(This probably goes with out saying...Blue Bell has NEVER heard of me even though I've been to their factory tour several times and am a HUGE fan of their ice cream products!)

Friday, June 13, 2014

Hello June! Didn't see you slip by me while I've been busy on bed rest.

Welcome to this edition of Amy and the Bed Rest Chronicles.

I am not sure how June sneaked in while or how May just slipped by with out my noticing. I suppose it might have something to do with the fact that I've been in bed since April. Sigh.

I do not have much for you today. I might get it together and show you the reusable baby wipes I've been busily DIYing. (This, as you know, is a big deal for me since I pretend to DIY but do not follow through.)

I could also post some of the pictures from Josh's birthday last weekend. With TONS of help from my mother and some good friends, I was able to put together a fairly respectable party for Josh while on bed rest. I'm calling this a win!

For now, I will just say that I am 33 weeks pregnant tomorrow. This is HUGE. Especially since when I was sitting at 24 weeks, 33 weeks seemed like a lifetime away. It about as possible as if you dropped me off at the start line of the Boston Marathon and said, "See you at the end." But, my friends we have made it.

Instead, I will leave you with this helpful note from the good people over at the What to Expect When You're Expecting App. I'm not quite sure why I haven't deleted this app up until this point. Considering the fact that I burned their book mid way through the first trimester. If you are thinking of getting pregnant or having a baby, let me tell you why this app is SUPER helpful for first time moms:

Feeling Constipated? Try eating leafy greens. The roughage will get things Moving
Oh yes, thank you so much for that helpful tidbit. I mean, I have only vomited 27 times today, but I will absolutely choke down a bowl full of leafy greens. No problem

Feeling Tired? Try taking a walk around the block. The fresh air will invigorate you.
Great idea. Just because I can not make it from my bedroom to the bathroom without losing the contents of my stomach, doesn't mean that a brisk walk won't invigorate me. Just give me a minute to finish moaning and praying that I will die. 

Or today's super helpful post titled: Before your next Pregnancy?
Drops Mic and walks away....Between the complications and the hyperemesis this pregnancy has nearly done me in. Sure, why not, lets go ahead and make plans for the next one now. Its not like I have anything else going on. 

On that note, If you have any helpful advice for the pregnant lady on bed rest, feel free to send it my way.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Overheard in Casa L-W

Welcome to another edition of Amy and the Bed Rest Chronicles.

If you happened to be bugging our house to eavesdrop on our wildly interesting lives, you would have overheard this conversation a few moments ago. This particular conversation happened to take place with me in the bedroom laying in bed like a good little Momma on bed rest and Josh in the living room. Just incase you are one of those types who needs to have the scene set for them.

Amy: Hey, did you want to watch that movie we were talking about last night?
Josh: Yeah...I just wanted to catch the last few laps of the race?
Amy: Oh...There is a race on? (Asking questions in the form of a statement is a habit of mine. It drives Josh nuts. This is real life ya'll)
Josh: Its the Indy 500
Amy: Huh. I did not realize you were into Nascar.
Josh: Its not Nascar.
Amy: I thought you said it was a race?
Josh: It is. Its the Indy 500.
Amy: Isn't that one of the ones with cars.
Josh: Yes
Amy: So, isn't it Nascar.
Josh: No, its not Nascar its Indy Car
Amy: They both have cars. Are the cars different?
Josh: Yes, thats why I said its different. The Indy Cars are faster?
Amy: So why don't they always race with Indy Cars? Whats the point of the slower cars?
Josh: The cars are different. Nascar cars are more like real cars.
Amy: And, Indy

You get the idea.
This concludes this edition of the wildly interesting lives of the L-Ws...tune in next time for more Conversations with Josh and Amy. (Or, run away quickly and be glad you are not us)

PS - And, I'm having a boy child. Oh goodness. Is there any chance he will be into Ice Dancing, Ballet, or want to watch the Academy Awards with me so we can mock people's fashion choices? I'm doomed.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Food I've wanted to eat today

Food I've wanted to eat today

The Bed Rest Chronicles continue:
I am not sure if it is the bed rest, the pregnancy, or the combination...but I've been thinking about food all day. Tell me this happens to you all the time and its not just me. How about this, between friends, I'll share my list if you share yours: 
1) Coffee Frappuchino - Technically this craving started yesterday...or maybe it started at the beginning of May when Starbucks offered Frappuchino Happy Hour. Anyway, Doesn't a *decaf* Coffee Frappuchino sound like equal parts refreshing and delicious?
2) be specific: Texas be even more specific: Cooper's Farm Texas Peaches. Their peaches are the best. (Sorry Georgia. Your peaches just don't cut it for my taste buds) This morning after my normal breakfast of almond butter toast, I started thinking about fruit. I wanted a mango but they weren't quite ripe yet. Darn mangoes. So I moved on to the peaches. They were ripe and good but not Texas peaches. I started wondering if I could talk this kid into being born during prime peach season so that perhaps my mom could bring me a peach or two....or a box when she comes to visit Baby Joey. I know, I know, if you had a nickel for every time a person gave peaches as a baby gift.
3) Hot Fudge Sunday - With extra fudgey hot fudge. I've really had a hankerin' for chocolate. Chocolate covered almonds would be wonderful as well. I wouldn't turn down a gooey fudge Sunday...or a Cannoli...This is really a brainstorming exercise. 
4) Blackberries - Its summer...or summerish - Blackberries are a must. I can eat them by the carton. A couple weeks ago, Josh brought home a carton of sweet, juicy blackberries from Whole Foods, I was going to eat a couple and...well...I tried to hide the empty carton under other items in the recycling bin. You know what they say, bury the evidence. 
5) Shipley's Doughnuts - We live in Boston. People around here think Dunkin Doughnuts is amazing and I suppose they are if you like frozen, preservative laden, prepackaged, doughnut like products. Those us from Texas know that Shipley's Doughnuts are where the doughnut goodness is created. They are warm and gooey and melt-in-your-mouth fresh. I have Whitney to thank for the doughnut cravings today. She started it with an instagram picture of coffee and doughnuts. Darn you Whitney. 
6) Watermelon - Speaking of Summer. I am ready for summer watermelon. I wasn't a fan growing up but the last few summers I haven't able to get enough watermelon. Plus, Maria makes eating watermelon for all three meals completely acceptable. She's the best.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

welcome to productivity land

The adventures of Amy and the Bed Rest Chronicles continues.

Today has been a super-productive day in Amy World...

  • I folded 2 loads of laundry - Clean clothes is a huge plus. It was getting a little embarrassing around here. I wont go into details but the underwear situation was dire. 
  • I wrote 3 thank you notes for baby gifts - Josh stamps and mails them. That part of thanking people is always my downfall. Did I ever tell you about the time when I hand wrote Christmas cards to everyone we know and neglected to stamp and mail them? Yup. The stamping and mailing is what kills me not the actually writing the card. You do that too? Really? I'm glad we had this chat. 
  • I updated the baby registry for the 347th time...approximately - I haven't kept an exact count but I'm sure I'm in the ballpark. 
  • I made a To-Do list for Josh - Does it count as productivity if I put things on his list? I'm saying yes. 
  • I drank 7 glasses of cucumber water and 1 glass of apple juice - There is something about water with cucumbers in it. Regular water - meh...Cucumber water - I suck it down like I am a camel about to embark on the longest desert journey of my life. 
  • I peed 43 times - It is possible that there is a direct correlation between this item and the last one. It is necessary to mention that my bladder is the size of a walnut and this child thinks it is he play toy. Seriously, the amount of trips I make to the bathroom uses up all of my daily allotted standing time. 
  • I finished some editing work that I started last week
  • I made the bed - Then promptly laid down on top of it. 
  • I put on clothes - It totally counts if the getting dressed happened after lunch...right? I'm asking for a friend. 
  • I ate several meals - They were nutritious and delicious
  • I contemplated showering....The bathroom rugs are in the wash and I decided big old pregnant lady + poor coordination + slippery floor were not a winning combination. 
  • I watched Sunday's episode of The Good Wife - I love Alicia. I want all of her clothes and her wine and the lasagna her family ate for dinner. 
  • I remembered to do the kick counter on the fancy iPhone app - This child got in his 10 kicks/punches/jabs/etc in 7min 12 seconds. Is this normal? Is this some kind of record? Should I be afraid? Tell me, I can handle it...maybe
I know some of you are looking at this list and calling a foul for the apparent list padding. I might have thought so 6 weeks 3 days ago but this bed rest thing has COMPLETELY changed the perspective. In other words, I'm moving the goal and calling the match. (My hubby would be so proud of my use of sports analogies. He is ABSOLUTELY having a good influence on my life. Like I now know they score points and not goals at basketball games. I have much knowledge. I'm going to be a fantastic mom of a boy child.)

What did you do today? Share...please...I'm dying to know. I promise it isn't too mundane for me. I will hang on your ever word. I promise. 


PS - Sorry I was not around much last week...or at all last week. Last week I was a bit depressed about the bed rest situation. Its real life. I might write about it tomorrow or the next day...I might not. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Every child begins the world again. 
~Henry David Thoreau

To my Momma and my Grandmomma,
Happy Mother's Day

To my sweet little boy,
I adore being your Momma. Your Daddy and I are excited to meet you.


Saturday, May 10, 2014

True Confessions: You wash your hair how often?

Daily Hair Routine

Hi, welcome to the exciting continuation of The Bed Rest Chronicles

Today, we are getting personal.
Today, we are brushing up against that line known as "oversharing."
Today, I confess to you that I only wash my hair ever 5-7 days.

I know what you are thinking:

 It is impossible! I used to think that too. I used to be skeptical. I have been converted.

She is one of those crunchy granola types. While I LOVE granola...especially in yogurt and with berries, I do not make my own twine. I think those who can pull off those skills are amazing. It is just not me. I am a little more in the "easy button" camp.

She must look like a grease ball. Before I jumped on this bandwagon, I washed, dried, and fixed my hair every day. EVERY SINGLE DAY! I have no idea where I found that kind of time. I do not look greasy. I have shared my secret with many, many people who have also jumped on this bandwagon. I actually think my hair looks best on days 3-5.

We can no longer be friends. Try it first. I promise.

Who cares what you look like when you haven't left the house in weeks! On the one hand, this is true. On the other hand, a girl feels just a little better when she is wearing clothes and her hair looks decent.

The secret is cornstarch and a boars hair brush.

Yes, Cornstarch. That little thickener hanging out in the back of your pantry is a miracle worker. It acts as a dry shampoo. I'm serious. Some people spend mega $$$ on dry shampoo and I just raid my pantry.
The Boar's Hair Brush distributes your hairs oils leaving your hair soft, shiny and beautiful.

Let me tell you about it.
  • In the morning, on day 2 or 3 (depending on my oily hair situation) I brush my hair and look at my roots. I notice those places where my hair is oily, matted and gross looking. For me, they are usually closest to my face. 
  • I dip my fingertips into the small ziplock baggie of cornstarch (I keep this in my bathroom) and begin working it/dusting it onto my roots. I usually go with the roots closest to my face. 
  • I work my way around my head a few sections at a time, until I have gone from ear to ear. 
  • I let it sit in my hair for a minute or two and then I shake my hair out with my fingers. If I still have a bit of white, I might brush it out. If I notice a spot that is a little oily, I add a bit more cornstarch. 
  • After my hair looks alive again, I touch up the style and I am ready to go. 
  • For me, this process just takes a couple of minutes...5 minutes tops. 

Note: You are not trying to make your roots white, you do not need to cover every strand. Please do not dump the whole carton of cornstarch on your head. A little bit goes a long, long way.
ALSO, I am blondish. I am not sure how well this tip works on darker hair colors.

 I am following along with lovehappydaily's Every Day in May blog prompts. Todays' prompt: A fashion, beauty or life tip. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

5 Things Friday

5 Things Friday

Thus continues the newest installment of Amy and the Bed Rest Chronicles

Unsurprisingly, there is a lethargy that comes from laying in bed all day for days and days on end. It can be difficult to muster up the gumption (its my grandpa's word) to get anything done - especially my activities are seriously limited. On the flip side, endlessly watching Netflix does nothing to help with the overall grey feeling that settles in. It is like one of those woven finger pulls.

Here are a few things that have brightened up my Friday:

1) Tulips from Josh. He loves me and says I am an amazing Mom. I got flowers.

2) Nail polish. We will not discuss last time I painted my toes. Lets just say the month ended in an "R." I am too ashamed to say more than that.

3) Yellow Cake with Chocolate Frosting. My wonderful, beautiful mother had this cake delivered to me a couple of days ago. I have enjoyed every bite and am looking forward to another piece after dinner tonight!

4) Baby Gifts. My mother and sister have been giving me things for the baby for months and I have generous friends who have passed along hand-me-downs. (Thanks Lindsay and Miranda). Yesterday, the first gift from my registry arrived and I am over the moon for these Aden + Anais Swaddles. They are soft and breathable and will be perfect for Joey this summer.

5) Hot Tea. A couple of weeks ago, my mother was here taking care of my while Josh took his Comps for his PhD. She ended up buying me some delicious tea from Teavana and I have been drinking a pot a day for weeks.

What are 5 things for you this Friday? Tell me yours, I'd love a glimpse outside this bedroom.

I am following along with lovehappydaily's Every Day in May blog prompts. Todays' prompt: Five things you love on a Friday. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

on my nightstand

My posts are collecting a theme: The Bed Rest Chronicles.

It might be reasonable to think I would devour books while on bed rest. At another point in my life I absolutely would have. But, the reading has not kept the pace I would have expected. "Why," you ask? I think it is equal parts knitting a blanket for Joey, messing around on the internet, watching crazy shows on Netflix, and tweaking my blog.

If you noticed that the picture of books does not look like it was taken of my nightstand, you would be correct. My nightstand is currently cluttered with a teapot, enough glasses to put the girl from Signs to shame, a nail file, 2 pens, lavender essential oils, my discarded hospital bracelet, and my phone. While I do not mind the written form of true confessions, photographic evidence seems damning. So, you have a picture from my lovely antique table at the foot of my bed that houses the BEAUTIFUL tulips my husband gave me as an early Mother's Day present. I'll tell you more about that later. I do not want to use up all the interesting things in my life in one post. I'm not sure you, my one dear blog reader, could contain all that excitement.

In other breaking news: we changed the sheets on our bed a few minutes ago. Yes, I said we. Josh helped. These days, sheet changing is a two person job. It has also been my big event of the day, I've been looking forward to it since breakfast. I know, the excitement in Casa LW is on the call the police for noise pollution level. Just wait until tomorrow, I might tell you how many times I went to the bathroom. Don't scoff unless you have been pregnant and have had your bladder shrink to the size of a walnut.

Great with Child by Beth Ann Fennelly
It is a book of letters from one mother to another. I am 2/3rds of the way through this one and I need to finish it ASAP since it was due back to the library 3 days ago. (I'm a rebel...or a slacker. Lets not take a vote) This book has been wonderful. It will officially be the first parenting/motherhood book I have finished. I quit all the others within a couple of chapters. Beth Ann's (I feel as if we are friends even though she doesn't have any idea who I am) writing is raw and encouraging. She makes me laugh and cry and think and feel a million times better about my own insecurities surrounding parenthood. It reads quickly because it is a book of letters, although I have skipped two letters that talked about her miscarriage because I can not read about the death of a woman's child as I lay in bed fighting for the life of mine.

Operating Instructions by Anne Lamott
My friend Laura sent this over to me yesterday in a care package. I was glad to receive it. Emily and Anne have both read this book and recommended it on their blogs. I have loved Anne's other works and welcome her perspective on motherhood. She writes honestly and weaves joy and sadness together in a way that hits what is true and real in life. (PS - you should absolutely click on Emily and Anne's blogs. I love them. I'm quite sure they do not read my blog but you should add theirs to your list. I promie)

Daughters of Parvati by Sarah Pinto
Sarah is easily on my list of favorite people. She is absolutely amazing. This book is heavier than the other two on the list. It centers on the lives of women in different settings of psychatriac care in northern India. (Similar to the area I lived back in 2005) Sarah urges the reader to think about the different ways that women of the vulnerabilities of love in their minds, bodies and social worlds.

Awesome by Neil Pasricha
I know very little about this book. It was given to me by a friend from church and my book group. She sent it my way because it is a light and fun and she thought I might enjoy it while resting. The back cover says that the book's aim is to remind us that the best things in life are free. The book is meant to be a celebration of humanity and life's little moments.

On the iPad (Not Pictured)
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle
I have read this book several times during life and have recently picked it up again. If you have not read this lovely children's book, pick it up.

I am following along with lovehappydaily's Every Day in May blog prompts. Todays' prompt: Share a book that you'd like to read, but haven't yet. What draws you to it?

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

the view from my corner of the world

Look at me blogging two days in a row.

It is almost like a new record.

When I was working on my Masters Degree, I spent the majority of my time writing from the kitchen or the living room of our apartment. I've never been one of those coffee shop/bookstore/library type of girls. I'm something of a homebody....Shhhhhh that is our secret.

These days I am writing from our bedroom, courtsey of doctor ordered bedrest. At this point I am 2.5 weeks in and have many, many weeks to go. I am not quite certain how many week I will be on bedrest. Part of my has been afraid to ask my doctor and the other part does not want to spend every day counting down. I am afraid this experience will become a ticking clock and I become consumed with the countdown. So, I am choosing to simply "be" in every day. I am choosing to allow each one to be a gift. I am trying to be content with the present. I'm only successful a fraction of the time but I keep trying.

So, welcome to my current corner of the world. We stay in bed, drink tea, and do our best to grow this little baby

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

favorite photo...or at least one that is fairly recent.

Anne mentioned that she is linking up with Love Happy Daily for her post every day in May series. I am not promising that I will come close to posting everyday in May. With my record, we should take it a day at a time. 

Today's prompt: Post a Favorite Photo
I started looking at photos and found many favorites but not many recent favorites. So, I decided to tweak the prompt and choose the most recent picture that I like. Sadly, it was from a couple of years ago. Eek. I might need to get better at taking pictures. Hum...I feel like a list might be forming. 

Bonus realization: I looked at quite a a few pictures of myself that I really liked but did not like at the time. Perhaps I might need to consider a different evaluative lens. 

Family Vacation in Kauai: Winter 2011/2012

the disappearing act

I had a week or so of consistently blogging before I fell of the face of the earth again. I really must work on my follow through and possibly generating interesting ideas....That might help. While I am on the subject of things I should work on...the blog design - as a whole - is lacking. My list keeps growing and growing.

The long and the short of it is: I am on total bed rest...for pretty much the rest of this pregnancy. I should say more about that and perhaps I will in a different post. I have not quite decided what to say and how to say it. Possibly because it is still filled with sadness for me and I am still raw. For my one reader, Joey is fine. In fact he is as perfect as perfect can be. Mom's cervix is faulty but he is fine. Poor kid, he is already getting the short end of the stick...or cervix...or whatever. On the plus side, I am sure he will be able to include this as fodder for therapy. I should start a fund.

In the meantime, I will try to be back to the blogging thing. I might even work on some interesting things to say so I do not put all three of you to sleep...unless you are reading this in the middle of a bout of insomnia as a means to fall asleep. I would not blame you in the slightest.

Until then...are are a few pictures of my life from the past couple of weeks.
 Nothing says Holy Week like a fresh dusting of snow
 I think Millie thinks this blanket is other news, it is looking more like a blanket and a scarf. Point for bed rest
 My mother is the most amazing. I have had the most incredible craving for yellow cake with chocolate frosting. We are talking days and days and days on end. What arrived today? A delivery from my mother: yellow cake with chocolate frosting. I've already eaten a piece for me and a piece for Joey. It is delicious.
A plus of being super high risk (I think that is the official term) is that I get lots of pictures of Josiah Dae. He is adorable. I know all moms say that about their children but I am completely unbiased on this topic. I can absolutely say he is the most adorable boy...ever...period. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

New Jersey is holding my rocking chair hostage

The very first pregnancy/baby item we purchased was a rocking chair. I was thrilled.

As per my usual thrifty self, I planned to find one on Craig's List. For me the rocking chair is an important purchase. I wanted a comfortable chair to rock Joey. I wanted a nice footstool where I could put my feet up. And, with the surge of hormones, I felt pretty darn maternal and a rocking chair seems as maternal as it gets.

So, I looked and looked and looked on Craig's List and finally found a chair that I thought I liked. About this time, Josh reminded me that we had a ton of Pottery Barn gift cards left over from our wedding 5 1/2 years ago that we'd never spent.

I had forgotten about them. At the time, I agonized about what we should buy. I came really close to buying a rug but was indecisive. I decided to ponder the purchase to make sure I REALLY wanted the rug. Days turned into weeks into months and years. We never bought the rug.

So, with all that free money burning a hole in our pockets, we decided to use the gift cards to buy a rocking chair.

We went to Pottery Barn.

We sat in all the chairs.

We debated the merits of rocker vs glider. BIG CHOICES

We both loved the beautiful wingback rocking chair and bought it with a dozen wedding gift cards.

Since February, I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for my chair.

Finally, March 21st I got an email that said the chair and ottoman were on their way!!!!

Happy Day!

But heres the sad part. My rocking chair has been in New Jersey since March 24th. Almost 3 weeks.

I am not sure why it is there but I am beginning to believe that New Jersey is holding my chair hostage.
So I say:

Dear New Jersey,
Give me my chair. Please.
Respectfully and with the slightest irritation,


PS - If it is ever liberated, I will post pictures of my wonderful chair.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

the tiniest wine

Today I found myself thinking about a glass of prosecco and sweet figs

...perhaps that means the nausea will pass

...perhaps I am feeling the pull of blue skies and the distant call of summer

...perhaps that means I have been pregnant for far too long

...perhaps I hear the distant promise of August

Until then, I will sip my sparkling water and enjoy a different type of contentment

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Giving Ted Mosby a piece of my mind

As the whole world knows, How I Met Your Mother ended on Monday night. We have not been faithful HIMYM watchers since the beginning. A few summers ago we binged on the whole series and have been faithful fans since that point. In fact, it is one of the few shows we watch live...with the commercials and all.

In case you have been living under a rock this week and avoiding all things related to pop culture, I will inform you that many, many fans are less than satisfied with the ending of the show. A few weeks ago, I looked at Josh and said, "I think they are going to kill The Mother!"

They did.
They killed the mother in the last few seconds of the show.

I sobbed. I sobbed. I sobbed as if my best friend actually died. The amount of tissues and snot were embarrassing.

So, last night in the last of my edition in my long series of vivid pregnancy dreams, I had a looooong talk with Ted Mosby/Josh Radnor. My dream vascilated between the person and the fictional character which is a perfectly acceptable format in my dreams. I yelled that he needed to go back, start over and do better so. I would not accept an ending where The Mother died.

It was cathartic.

I feel better.

In my world, The Mother recovered and made them waffles at the end of Ted's story.

This concludes my musings on popular culture for the week. 

PS: Did anyone like the ending of HIMYM? I might hate you forever it you did but I would be morbidly curious to hear why it was satisfying...or acceptable for you.

23 weeks or a Spaghetti Squash

Now that my wonderful, high powered meds have my nausea under control, I thought I would post a little pregnancy update. By under control read: I am not lying in bed huddled in the fetal position sick. It is truly amazing how much nausea one becomes *accustomed* to living with. I hear people like to look back and see pictures of themselves.

I am trusting it is true.

I look at myself and wonder, "Who is that tired looking pregnant woman? Some one please offer her a cookie or a nap."

My standards are low these days. Showering has become optional. Getting dressed in real clothes is an if I have to type of activity. As a result, I only will take pictures on the days I actually get dressed. I should take a picture of me in my oversized sweatshirt and leggings because that is real life but I'm afraid it might be a little too real.

This is Amy + Joey at 23 weeks. I thought about taking a picture in the full length mirror but that lives upstairs and the prospect of walking up and down the stairs seemed daunting on Monday night. So, I am telling myself this picture is "artsy" and giving myself bonus points for my mirror that hasn't been dusted. Is it hipster to not dust? If so, I am the hippest hipster around.

Also, because surely everyone is on the edge of their seat, dying to know, here are a few of those questions about the pregnancy for you, posterity, and for future Amy if she ever decides to be pregnant again.

Movement: Oh my goodness, this boy is active. I think the term the highly specialized ultrasound doctor used was "wild." Personally, I really like feeling his punches and kicks.

Development: Spaghetti Squash or 1lb. I think those pregnancy phone apps are liars. He HAS to be bigger than that...look at me.

Best Moment of the Week:  I love to feel him move.

Worst Moment of the Week: I'm voting the babymoon at the hospital as the low point this past week.

Sleep: Eh. I wake up several times a night because my bladder thinks it is the size of a walnut. Also, my doctor changed around my medications so I've been waking up in the middle of the night with waves of extreme nausea.

Food Cravings: Melons. I have been consuming large amounts of Cantelope and Honeydew melon. They have surpassed berries and apples as the food of choice. I'm still digging salads but not to the same extent.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Shoe Fail and a Soggy Sock

Apparently after three winters of salt and snow and ice and chemicals and three springs + two falls of rain and mud, my boots have given out.

They have cracked in protest from misuse and abuse.

Truthfully, I noticed the small crack a few weeks ago but apparently I forgot. So, on Monday morning I pulled on my boots as I rushed out the door and fearlessly entered the rain. Somewhere in the middle of my morning to-dos I realized that my sock was soggy and my foot was wet. Clearly cracked boots are not as waterproof as their uncracked counterparts. I suppose they are merely "water resistant."

Obviously, I could use a new pair of boots. Last time, I happened upon a pair of Sperry boots that were on clearance for $40. It was a pretty great deal considering how long they lasted and the utter abuse they endured. This time I am thinking of breaking down and buying a pair of Hunter boots. I know they are sturdy and should be able to handle three seasons of shoe abuse. On the other hand, they are a hefty chunk of change.

Here is the dilemma:

- Do I buy new boots now in preparation for the soggy days of spring and fall?


- Do I wait for winter and ask for a pair for my birthday when one can legitimately justify the expense of Hunter boots?


- Do I buy a cheaper pair of Target boots to fill the boot hole until next winter rolls around?

Normally my inclination is to wait for a sale but Hunter boots do not really go on sale....

Anyone of my non-existant blog readers have thoughts? I'm all ears.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Begin Again

What better reason to begin [blogging] again than because of a new child?
(Seriously if you have a better reason I'm all ears)

It seems that all the cool bloggers started blogging in 2010 as I was getting out of the blogging game...but with this new, tiny human cooking inside of me I thought, "Why not start blogging....again."

For now, I am back.

Those of you who know me really well might be rolling your eyes and saying to yourself, "We'll see how long this lasts."

"You and me both sister"

It is quite possible that this precious baby boy will come and I will be able to share his beautiful life and ours with you. We are wild and crazy and more exciting than you could dream. Go ahead and dream. Then, write and let me know how exciting we are. It is also possible blogging will go the way of bikini wearing and become that thing I once did a long, long, long time ago. But, for now, I will give it a whirl.

So, Welcome Back Friends!
