Thursday, July 10, 2014

Today I took a walk

It was glorious to be outside.

The sidewalk was a familiar friend. We have traveled together on many occasions but today was different. We took some time to get reacquainted. Instead of hurrying, as I have done in the past, we we walked slowly together. She whispered secrets from the months of our separation. She told me of the house that has been bought and will be torn down and rebuilt. She told me of the changing of seasons as we passed the green grass, the flowers, and the children's bicycles abandoned on driveways next to sidewalk art. She promised to show my little boy all of the wonders of our neighborhood soon. But, for now, we simply walked together...content in our shared journey back to my front porch.


  1. Hi Amy, I am new to your blog, and surely hoping we hear good news soon. Sending prayers your way!

    1. Hi Ruth,
      Sorry that I've been away. We had very good news. We have a little boy and he is almost three. Thank you for your kind words so long ago!
