Monday, June 30, 2014

changes in the meantime

We are in the throws of getting ready for Baby Joey to arrive.
Please note that I use the word "we" loosely...I use it in the marital sense of what's mine is yours and all of that. Truthfully, Josh has been busily getting ready for baby Joey. I've been laying in bed, growing the baby and giving directions.

Some of them are quite reasonable, "Lets hang these pictures in that spot." or "We might find it helpful to have this load of baby paraphenelia washed and ready to go when we come home from the hospital."

"What do you mean you put the laundry detergent on top of the clothes?"

The other day, Josh was re-arranging our room to make room for Joey's play yard/co-sleeper thing. (I know there are MANY opinions regarding baby sleeping. We've made the choice that seems like it will work for us but who knows.) So, our bedroom required that a few items be shifted. Nothing major (easy for me to say since I wasn't doing any of the actual moving). The biggest shift was Millie's bed. It was not a physically difficult shift but Millie is a small creature who doesn't love change. Really, who can blame her? How many of the rest of us are peachy keen when our own apple carts are upset? As Josh was moving things around, she went from sleeping to wide awake and perched deeply in my lap as she could get. Occasionally she would walk to the end of the bed and check things out but would quickly scamper back to Mommy. Then, after it was all said and done, she sniffed and sniffed around the room trying to figure things out.

Thankfully, stinker butt is adjusting well.
Really this is a big month for her. Not only is Joey coming (fingers crossed) but she also needs to be groomed and make her annual visit to the vet.

In the midst of your watermelon and ice cream and summer fun, light a candle or say a prayer because for Millie, I think July will be re-named the Month of Doom.
(Mommy, why do you insist on taking pictures of me when I am trying to sleep?)

(Our beautiful little girl)

Monday, June 23, 2014

Pregnancy Cravings: Moo Bars

Josh does most of our grocery shopping on Sunday afternoons on his way home from church. Our pattern has been:

Amy think about what she wants to eat and makes a list and emails it to Josh.
Josh goes to the story and buys as many items on the list as are available.

Because he knows me, he usually texts me from the store to see if there is "anything else." This is like his nice way of saying, "Last call you crazy pregnant woman."

Before you think, "Wow, Judgey much! Ummm worst husband in the world." You should know that pregnant Amy has had this delightful habit of saying, "Oh honey, Did you happen to think about getting XYZ (insert obscure item that you have never ever bought before)? Of course this happens 3.7 minutes after he walks in the door loaded down with enough food for a small band of hungry teenage boys. (This is completely normal behavior...right?) Hence the texting before he leaves the store.

So this is our text conversation from yesterday:

Josh: Hey honey, is there anything else you want from TJ's?
Amy: Yes! Moo Bars. I need Moo Bars
Josh: Ummmm....Okay, whats a Moo Bar?

If you are from Texas or any surrounding state lucky enough to be visited by the Blue Bell truck, this makes sense to you. If not, you should just pick up and move now because you are missing out. Moo Bars are an AMAZING brain child from Blue Bell. They are summer on a stick. They are the best thing ever. They are worth getting out of bed in the morning. Moo Bars are vanilla ice cream on a stick dipped in a hard chocolate shell. They are glorious. They are like a popsicle...only better. Much better.

When we were growing up, my sister and I would spend a chunk of the summer with our grandparents. They ALWAYS had Moo Bars. ALWAYS. Well, to be fair they had Mini Moos but we were kids and my practical grandmother was thinking of portion control. Every afternoon we would sit on the porch and eat a Moo Bar together. My friends this is happiness. This is summer.

Unfortunately, we live in Boston and Blue Bell does not deliver here. =( (Get it together Blue Bell) Thankfully other people have capitalized on Blue Bell's amazing brilliance and Josh was able to find a reasonable facsimile at TJs.

(This probably goes with out saying...Blue Bell has NEVER heard of me even though I've been to their factory tour several times and am a HUGE fan of their ice cream products!)

Friday, June 13, 2014

Hello June! Didn't see you slip by me while I've been busy on bed rest.

Welcome to this edition of Amy and the Bed Rest Chronicles.

I am not sure how June sneaked in while or how May just slipped by with out my noticing. I suppose it might have something to do with the fact that I've been in bed since April. Sigh.

I do not have much for you today. I might get it together and show you the reusable baby wipes I've been busily DIYing. (This, as you know, is a big deal for me since I pretend to DIY but do not follow through.)

I could also post some of the pictures from Josh's birthday last weekend. With TONS of help from my mother and some good friends, I was able to put together a fairly respectable party for Josh while on bed rest. I'm calling this a win!

For now, I will just say that I am 33 weeks pregnant tomorrow. This is HUGE. Especially since when I was sitting at 24 weeks, 33 weeks seemed like a lifetime away. It about as possible as if you dropped me off at the start line of the Boston Marathon and said, "See you at the end." But, my friends we have made it.

Instead, I will leave you with this helpful note from the good people over at the What to Expect When You're Expecting App. I'm not quite sure why I haven't deleted this app up until this point. Considering the fact that I burned their book mid way through the first trimester. If you are thinking of getting pregnant or having a baby, let me tell you why this app is SUPER helpful for first time moms:

Feeling Constipated? Try eating leafy greens. The roughage will get things Moving
Oh yes, thank you so much for that helpful tidbit. I mean, I have only vomited 27 times today, but I will absolutely choke down a bowl full of leafy greens. No problem

Feeling Tired? Try taking a walk around the block. The fresh air will invigorate you.
Great idea. Just because I can not make it from my bedroom to the bathroom without losing the contents of my stomach, doesn't mean that a brisk walk won't invigorate me. Just give me a minute to finish moaning and praying that I will die. 

Or today's super helpful post titled: Before your next Pregnancy?
Drops Mic and walks away....Between the complications and the hyperemesis this pregnancy has nearly done me in. Sure, why not, lets go ahead and make plans for the next one now. Its not like I have anything else going on. 

On that note, If you have any helpful advice for the pregnant lady on bed rest, feel free to send it my way.