Friday, June 13, 2014

Hello June! Didn't see you slip by me while I've been busy on bed rest.

Welcome to this edition of Amy and the Bed Rest Chronicles.

I am not sure how June sneaked in while or how May just slipped by with out my noticing. I suppose it might have something to do with the fact that I've been in bed since April. Sigh.

I do not have much for you today. I might get it together and show you the reusable baby wipes I've been busily DIYing. (This, as you know, is a big deal for me since I pretend to DIY but do not follow through.)

I could also post some of the pictures from Josh's birthday last weekend. With TONS of help from my mother and some good friends, I was able to put together a fairly respectable party for Josh while on bed rest. I'm calling this a win!

For now, I will just say that I am 33 weeks pregnant tomorrow. This is HUGE. Especially since when I was sitting at 24 weeks, 33 weeks seemed like a lifetime away. It about as possible as if you dropped me off at the start line of the Boston Marathon and said, "See you at the end." But, my friends we have made it.

Instead, I will leave you with this helpful note from the good people over at the What to Expect When You're Expecting App. I'm not quite sure why I haven't deleted this app up until this point. Considering the fact that I burned their book mid way through the first trimester. If you are thinking of getting pregnant or having a baby, let me tell you why this app is SUPER helpful for first time moms:

Feeling Constipated? Try eating leafy greens. The roughage will get things Moving
Oh yes, thank you so much for that helpful tidbit. I mean, I have only vomited 27 times today, but I will absolutely choke down a bowl full of leafy greens. No problem

Feeling Tired? Try taking a walk around the block. The fresh air will invigorate you.
Great idea. Just because I can not make it from my bedroom to the bathroom without losing the contents of my stomach, doesn't mean that a brisk walk won't invigorate me. Just give me a minute to finish moaning and praying that I will die. 

Or today's super helpful post titled: Before your next Pregnancy?
Drops Mic and walks away....Between the complications and the hyperemesis this pregnancy has nearly done me in. Sure, why not, lets go ahead and make plans for the next one now. Its not like I have anything else going on. 

On that note, If you have any helpful advice for the pregnant lady on bed rest, feel free to send it my way.

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