Thursday, April 3, 2014

23 weeks or a Spaghetti Squash

Now that my wonderful, high powered meds have my nausea under control, I thought I would post a little pregnancy update. By under control read: I am not lying in bed huddled in the fetal position sick. It is truly amazing how much nausea one becomes *accustomed* to living with. I hear people like to look back and see pictures of themselves.

I am trusting it is true.

I look at myself and wonder, "Who is that tired looking pregnant woman? Some one please offer her a cookie or a nap."

My standards are low these days. Showering has become optional. Getting dressed in real clothes is an if I have to type of activity. As a result, I only will take pictures on the days I actually get dressed. I should take a picture of me in my oversized sweatshirt and leggings because that is real life but I'm afraid it might be a little too real.

This is Amy + Joey at 23 weeks. I thought about taking a picture in the full length mirror but that lives upstairs and the prospect of walking up and down the stairs seemed daunting on Monday night. So, I am telling myself this picture is "artsy" and giving myself bonus points for my mirror that hasn't been dusted. Is it hipster to not dust? If so, I am the hippest hipster around.

Also, because surely everyone is on the edge of their seat, dying to know, here are a few of those questions about the pregnancy for you, posterity, and for future Amy if she ever decides to be pregnant again.

Movement: Oh my goodness, this boy is active. I think the term the highly specialized ultrasound doctor used was "wild." Personally, I really like feeling his punches and kicks.

Development: Spaghetti Squash or 1lb. I think those pregnancy phone apps are liars. He HAS to be bigger than that...look at me.

Best Moment of the Week:  I love to feel him move.

Worst Moment of the Week: I'm voting the babymoon at the hospital as the low point this past week.

Sleep: Eh. I wake up several times a night because my bladder thinks it is the size of a walnut. Also, my doctor changed around my medications so I've been waking up in the middle of the night with waves of extreme nausea.

Food Cravings: Melons. I have been consuming large amounts of Cantelope and Honeydew melon. They have surpassed berries and apples as the food of choice. I'm still digging salads but not to the same extent.

1 comment:

  1. You look great! Hang in there. And baby movements are the best - I still kind of miss that.
