Thursday, April 3, 2014

Giving Ted Mosby a piece of my mind

As the whole world knows, How I Met Your Mother ended on Monday night. We have not been faithful HIMYM watchers since the beginning. A few summers ago we binged on the whole series and have been faithful fans since that point. In fact, it is one of the few shows we watch live...with the commercials and all.

In case you have been living under a rock this week and avoiding all things related to pop culture, I will inform you that many, many fans are less than satisfied with the ending of the show. A few weeks ago, I looked at Josh and said, "I think they are going to kill The Mother!"

They did.
They killed the mother in the last few seconds of the show.

I sobbed. I sobbed. I sobbed as if my best friend actually died. The amount of tissues and snot were embarrassing.

So, last night in the last of my edition in my long series of vivid pregnancy dreams, I had a looooong talk with Ted Mosby/Josh Radnor. My dream vascilated between the person and the fictional character which is a perfectly acceptable format in my dreams. I yelled that he needed to go back, start over and do better so. I would not accept an ending where The Mother died.

It was cathartic.

I feel better.

In my world, The Mother recovered and made them waffles at the end of Ted's story.

This concludes my musings on popular culture for the week. 

PS: Did anyone like the ending of HIMYM? I might hate you forever it you did but I would be morbidly curious to hear why it was satisfying...or acceptable for you.

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