Sunday, March 30, 2014

Begin Again

What better reason to begin [blogging] again than because of a new child?
(Seriously if you have a better reason I'm all ears)

It seems that all the cool bloggers started blogging in 2010 as I was getting out of the blogging game...but with this new, tiny human cooking inside of me I thought, "Why not start blogging....again."

For now, I am back.

Those of you who know me really well might be rolling your eyes and saying to yourself, "We'll see how long this lasts."

"You and me both sister"

It is quite possible that this precious baby boy will come and I will be able to share his beautiful life and ours with you. We are wild and crazy and more exciting than you could dream. Go ahead and dream. Then, write and let me know how exciting we are. It is also possible blogging will go the way of bikini wearing and become that thing I once did a long, long, long time ago. But, for now, I will give it a whirl.

So, Welcome Back Friends!



  1. Welcome back and congratulations!!!! I hope you stick with the blogging so that I can hear updates of how things are going with you and see pictures of your precious family! :)

    1. Julie!
      It is fantastic to hear from you. I think I've forgotten who had this blog address. I'm glad I decided to revive it instead of starting a whole new one. I hope all is well with you, Bobby and Taylor.
